1. Chang-Jun Fong, Yi-Yuan Chuang, and Hung-Yu Lai*. 2021. Effects of amendment with various vermicomposts on the soil fertility, growth of Brassica chinensis L., and resistance of Spodoptera litura Fabricius larvae. Sustainability 13(16):9441 (SCI)
2. Yen, Yu-Shan, Kuei-San Chen, Hsin-Yi Yang, and Hung-Yu Lai*. 2021. Effect of vermicompost amendment on the accumulation and chemical forms of trace metals in leafy vegetables grown in contaminated soils. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(12):6619 (SCI)
3. Yang, H.Y., S.K. Chen, J.S. Wang, C.J. Lu, and H.Y. Lai*. 2020. Farmland trace metal contamination and management model—model development and a case study in central Taiwan. Sustainability 12(23):10066 (SCI)
4. Tongsiri P., W.Y. Tseng, Y. Shen, and H.Y. Lai*. 2020. Comparison of soil properties and organic components in infusions with different aerial appearances of tea plantations in central Taiwan. Sustainability 12(11):4384 (SCI)
5. Chen, K.S., C.Y. Pai, and H.Y. Lai*. 2020. Amendment of husk biochar on accumulation and chemical form of cadmium in lettuce and pak-choi grown in contaminated soil. Water 12(3):868 (SCI)
6. Lam, C.M., K.S. Chen, and H.Y. Lai*. 2019. Chemical forms and health risk of cadmium in water spinach grown in contaminated soil with an increased level of phosphorus. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16(18):3322 (SCI)
7. Yu, C.H., S.L. Wang, P. Tongsiri, M.P. Cheng, and H.Y. Lai*. 2018. Effects of poultry-litter biochar on soil properties and growth of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.). Sustainability 10(7):2536 (SCI)
8. Lam, C.M., and H.Y. Lai*. 2018. Effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and blanching on the bioaccessibility of heavy metals in water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.). Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 162:563-570 (SCI)
9. Lai, H.Y.* 2017. A combined condition of hydroponic effects on growth and cadmium distribution of impatiens (Impatiens walleriana). J. Soil Sci. Plant Health 1:1. (International Journal)
10. Lai, H.Y.*, C.M. Lam, W.Z. Wang, and Y.J. Ji. 2017. Cadmium uptake by cuttings of Impatiens walleriana in response to different cadmium concentrations and growth periods. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 98(3):317-322 (SCI)
11. Lai, H.Y.*, Y.C. Lin, Y.S. Wang, and B.W. Fu. 2016. Removal of cadmium from contaminated soils by multiple washing with iron (III) chloride. Soil Sediment Contam. 25(6):624-636 (SCI)
12. Chen, B.C., and H.Y. Lai*. 2016. Subcellular distribution of cadmium in two paddy rice varieties with different cooking methods. Agr. Sci. 7:383-395 (International Journal)
13. Lai, H.Y.*, and M.C. Cai. 2016. Effects of extended growth periods on subcellular distribution, chemical forms, and the translocation of cadmium in Impatiens walleriana. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 18(3):228-234 (SCI)
14. Lai, H.Y.* 2015. Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Impatiens walleriana in relation to its phytoextraction potential. Chemosphere 138:370-376 (SCI)
15. Lai, H.Y.* 2015. Effects of leaf area and transpiration rate on accumulation and compartmentalization of cadmium in impatiens walleriana. Water Air Soil Pollut. 226:2246 (SCI)
16. Lai, H.Y.* 2015. Negative effects of chelants on soil qualities of five soil series. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 17(3):228-234 (SCI)
17. Liu, C.W., Y. Sung, B.C. Chen, and H.Y. Lai*. 2014. Effects of nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and nitrate content of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 11:4427-4440 (SCI)
18. Su, S.W., C.C. Tsui, H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*. 2014. Food safety and bioavailability evaluations of four vegetables grown in the highly arsenic-contaminated soils on the Guandu plain of northern Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 11:4091-4107 (SCI)
19. Juang, K.W., Y.I. Lee, H.Y. Lai, and B.C. Chen*. 2014. Influence of magnesium on copper phytotoxicity to and accumulation and translocation in grapevines. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 104:36-42 (SCI)
20. Lai, H.Y.*, and B.C. Chen. 2013. The dynamic growth exhibition and accumulation of cadmium of pak choi grown in contaminated soils. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 10: 5284-5298 (SCI)
21. Wei, J.L., H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*. 2012. Chelator effects on bioconcentration and translocation of cadmium by hyperaccumulators, Tagetes patula and Impatiens walleriana. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 84:173-178 (SCI)
22. Chen B.C., H.Y. Lai, and K.W. Juang*. 2012. Model evaluation of plant metal content and biomass yield for the phytoextraction of heavy metals by switchgrass. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 80:393-400 (SCI)
23. Lu, C.J., Y.L. Chiu, H.L. Chen, and H.Y. Lai*. 2012. Effects of sludge and pH adjustment on Cd speciation in soil and growth and Cd accumulation in Pak Choi. Soil Sediment Contam. 21:510-524 (SCI)
24. Juang, K.W., Y.I. Lee, H.Y. Lai, C.H. Wang, and B.C. Chen*. 2012. Copper accumulation, translocation, and toxic effects in grapevine cuttings. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 19:1315-1322 (SCI)
25. Hung, J.M., H.C. Liu, C.S. Hwu*, C.H. Tsao, H.Y. Lai, and C.J. Lu. 2011. Bioavailability evaluation of naphthalene in soil using persulfate oxidation and ultrasonic extraction method. J. Environ. Biol. 32:277-282 (SCI)
26. Liu, H.C., C.S. Hwn*, J.M. Hung, H.Y. Lai, H.Y. Chang, and C.J. Lu. 2011. Reliability of solid phase microextraction in estimating bioavailability of pyrene in soil. J. Environ. Biol. 32:319-323 (SCI)
27. Juang, K.W., H.Y. Lai, and B.C. Chen*. 2011. Coupling bioaccumulation and phytotoxicity to predict copper removal by switchgrass grown hydroponically. Ecotoxicol. 20: 827-835 (SCI)
28. Chen, B.C., H.Y. Lai, D.Y. Lee, and K.W. Juang*. 2011. Using chemical fractionation to evaluate the phytoextraction of cadmium by switchgrass from Cd-contaminated soils. Ecotoxicol. 20: 409-418 (SCI)
29. Lai, H.Y., Z.Y. Hseu, T.C. Chen, B.C. Chen, H.Y. Guo, and Z.S. Chen*. 2010. Health risk-based assessment and management of heavy metals-contaminated soil sites in Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 7: 3595-3614 (SCI)
30. Lai, H.Y., K.W. Juang, and Z.S. Chen*. 2010. Large-area experiment on uptake of metals by twelve plants growing in soils contaminated with multiple metals. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 12: 785-797 (SCI)
31. Lai, H.Y., K.W. Juang, and B.C. Chen*. 2010. Copper concentrations in grapevines and vineyard soils in central Taiwan. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 56: 601-606 (SCI)
32. Hseu, Z.Y., S.W. Su, H.Y. Lai, H.Y. Guo, T.C. Chen, and Z.S. Chen. 2010. Remediation techniques and heavy metal uptake by different rice varieties in metal-contaminated soils of Taiwan: New aspects for food safety regulation and sustainable agriculture. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 56: 31-52 (SCI)
33. Chen, H.L., C.J. Lu, and H.Y. Lai*. 2010. Amendments of activated carbon and biosolid on the growth and cadmium uptake of soybean grown in potted Cd-contaminated soils. Water Air Soil Poll. 209: 307-314 (SCI)
34. Lin, C.C., H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*. 2010. Bioavailability assessment and accumulation by five garden flower species grown in artificially cadmium-contaminated soils. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 12: 454-467 (SCI)
35. Chen, H.L., H.Y. Lai*, S.M. Wang, Y.C. Kuo, and C.J. Lu. 2010. Effect of biosolids and Cd/Pb interaction on the growth and Cd accumulation of Brassica rapa grown in Cd-contaminated soils. Water Air Soil Poll. 206: 385-394 (SCI)
36. Chang, H.Y., J.M. Hung, Y.S. Wu, Y.R. Lin, H.Y. Lai, and C.J. Lu*. 2009. Effects of applying biosolids on the biodegradation of toluene and naphthalene contaminated soils. J. Environ. Biol. 30(6): 971-975 (International Journal)
37. Lai, H.Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 2009. In-situ selection of suitable plants for phytoremediation of multi-metals contaminated sites in central Taiwan. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 11: 235-250 (SCI)
38. Lai, H.Y., S.W. Chen, and Z.S. Chen*. 2008. Pot experiment to study the uptake of Cd and Pb by three Indian mustards (Brassica juncea) grown in artificially contaminated soils. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 10: 91-105 (SCI)
39. Lai, H.Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 2007. Multi-dose applying EDTA to decrease the potential groundwater contamination using rainbow pink (Dianthus chinensis) for enhanced phytoextraction. Desalination 210: 236-247 (SCI)
40. Lai, H.Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 2006. The influence of EDTA application on the interactions of cadmium, zinc, and lead and their uptake of rainbow pink (Dianthus chinensis). J. Hazard. Mater. 137: 1710-1718 (SCI)
41. Lai, H.Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 2005. The EDTA effect on phytoextraction of single and combined metals-contaminated soils using rainbow pink (Dianthus chinensis). Chemosphere 60: 1062-1071 (SCI)
42. Lee, T.M., H.Y. Lai, and Z.S. Chen*. 2004. Effect of chemical amendments on the concentration of cadmium and lead in long-term contaminated soils. Chemosphere 57: 1459-1471 (SCI)
43. Lai, H.Y., and Z.S. Chen*. 2004. Effects of EDTA on solubility of cadmium, zinc, and lead and their uptake by rainbow pink and vetiver grass. Chemosphere 55: 421-430 (SCI)
研討會論文 (*Corresponding author)
1. 曾雯郁、許正一、馬清華、陳秋萍、賴鴻裕*。2021。土壤教育。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
2. 鍾旻臻、鄭愉蓁、賴鴻裕*。2021。施用雞糞製成有機質肥料對土壤肥力及白骨空心菜生長的影響。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
3. 張祐寧、紀雅筑、賴鴻裕*。2021。屏東養雞場雞糞墊料製成雞糞堆肥之可行性評估。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
4. 羅加惠、紀雅筑、賴鴻裕*。后里養雞場雞糞墊料製成雞糞加工肥料之可行性評估。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
5. 許展豪、鄭愉蓁、賴鴻裕*。2021。使用不同草生栽培方式對茶葉生長的土壤肥力影響。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
6. 李瑩綺、鄭愉蓁、賴鴻裕*。2021。施用雞糞製成有機肥料對土壤肥力及皺葉白菜生長的影響。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
7. 許淳脉、賴鴻裕*。2021。施用雞糞製成之有機質肥料對土壤性質及三種短期蔬菜產量之影響。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。(海報競賽佳作)。
8. 許淳脉、賴鴻裕*。2021。施用雞糞製成之有機質肥料對土壤性質及水稻產量之影響。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
9. 曾雯郁、賴鴻裕*。2021。氣候因子對臺茶8號茶葉中元素與化學成分之影響及其季節性變化。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。(海報競賽第一名)。
10. 陳霖、曾雯郁、賴鴻裕*。2021。不同發酵過程與萃取時間對GABA茶中γ-胺基丁酸與主要化學成分之影響。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。(海報競賽佳作)。
11. 曹羽榕、曾雯郁、賴鴻裕*。2021。比較有機栽培與慣行栽培茶園土壤性質之差異。110年度土壤肥料推廣研發成果發表會及友善環境農業資材使用管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2021年12月9-10日。台中市。台灣。
12. 賴鴻裕*。2020。土壤的哀愁。109年度友善環境農業資材使用管理暨農田土壤管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年12月10-11日。台中市。台灣。
13. 馮昶鈞、莊益源、賴鴻裕。2020。施用不同蚓糞堆肥對土壤肥力、土白菜生長 與抗氧化能力及斜紋夜蛾幼蟲生長之影響。「新興害蟲監控管理研討會」及「中華植物保護學會民國109年年會暨論文宣讀」。2020年11月27日。國立中興大學農環大樓。
14. Tongsiri P., W.Y. Tseng, Y. Shen, and H.Y. Lai*。2020。Comparison of soil properties and organic components in infusions according to different aerial appearances of tea plantations in central Taiwan。109年度友善環境農業資材使用管理暨農田土壤管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年12月10-11日。台中市。台灣。
15. 陳貴三、顏妤珊、賴鴻裕*。2020。施用蚓糞堆肥對兩種葉菜類作物累積鋅濃度及其生物可及性之影響。109年度友善環境農業資材使用管理暨農田土壤管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年12月10-11日。台中市。台灣。
16. 許淳脉、紀雅筑、賴鴻裕*。施用雞糞製成之有機質肥料對玉米產量之影響。109年度友善環境農業資材使用管理暨農田土壤管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年12月10-11日。台中市。台灣。
17. 許淳脉、紀雅筑、賴鴻裕*。2020。施用雞糞製成之有機質肥料對水稻農藝性狀表現之影響。109年度友善環境農業資材使用管理暨農田土壤管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年12月10-11日。台中市。台灣。
18. 許淳脉、賴鴻裕*。2020。施用雞糞製成之有機質肥料對土壤性質與蕹菜生長之影響。109年度友善環境農業資材使用管理暨農田土壤管理研討會暨中華土壤肥料學會與中華肥料協會聯合年會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年12月10-11日。台中市。台灣。
19. 顏妤珊、賴鴻裕*。2020。蚓糞堆肥對兩種葉菜類作物累積鎘濃度及其生物可及性之影響。2020年科技部生命科學研究發展司「生農環境與多樣性學門」及「農產資源科學學門」聯合成果發表會。國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院大樓十樓國際會議廳。2020年9月26日。台中市。台灣。
20. Tseng, W.Y., Y.S. Yen, Y.S. Liao, W.C. Chiu, C.J. Fong, and H.Y. Lai. 2019. “SOIL EXHIBITION TOUR” — The soil education for general public and elementary school children in Taiwan. 2019. 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (14th ESAFS). Nov. 3-7, 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
21. Chen, K.S., and H.Y. Lai. 2019. Effects of applying husk biochar on uptake, translocation, and chemical forms of cadmium in two varieties of pak-choi. 2019. 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (14th ESAFS). Nov. 3-7, 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
22. Chuang, P.C., and H.Y. Lai. 2019. Effects of applying rice husk biochar on the chemical forms of cadmium in the water spinach. 2019. 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (14th ESAFS). Nov. 3-7, 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
23. Tongsiri, P., and H.Y. Lai. 2019. Assessment of soil properties suitable for tea cultivation in Taiwan. 2019. 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (14th ESAFS). Nov. 3-7, 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
24. Tseng, W.Y., and H.Y. Lai. 2019. Chemical compositions of tea leaves of shy‐jih‐chuen tea trees with different growing exhibitions. 2019. 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (14th ESAFS). Nov. 3-7, 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
25. Pai, C.Y., and H.Y. Lai. 2019. Amendment of husk biochar on chemical forms and health risks of cadmium in two varieties of lettuce. 2019. 14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (14th ESAFS). Nov. 3-7, 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
26. Lai, H.Y.*, and W.C. Chiu. 2019. Effect of blanching on chemical form and bioaccessibility of cadmium in edible parts of three leafy vegetables. The 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (15th ICOBTE). May 5-9, 2019. Nanjing, China.
27. Tseng, W.Y.*, W.C. Chiu, and H.Y. Lai. 2019. Predicting the accumulation of cadmium in edible parts of leafy vegetables using its chemical form in the root. The 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (15th ICOBTE). May 5-9, 2019. Nanjing, China.
28. Yen, Y.S.*, C.M Lam, and H.Y. Lai. 2019. The effect of raising the soil available phosphorous level on the accumulation, chemical form, and translocation of cadmium in water spinach. The 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (15th ICOBTE). May 5-9, 2019. Nanjing, China.
29. Chun-Ming Lam, and Hung-Yu Lai*. 2018. Effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and blanching on heavy metals chemical forms in edible parts of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatic Forsk). In 21th World Congress of Soil Science (21th WCSS). August 12-17, 2018. Rio, Brazil.
30. Tongsiri P., C.H. Yu, S.L. Wang, M.P. Cheng, and H.Y. Lai*. 2018. Effects of continue in-situ applying poultry-litter biochar on growth and accumulation of Cu and Zn of water spinach and lettuce. The 2nd International Conference on Environment, livelihood, and Services. November 19-22, 2018. Bangkok, Thailand.
31. Lai, H.Y.* 2017. A combined condition of hydroponic effects on growth and cadmium distribution of impatiens (Impatiens walleriana). In 13th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (13th ESAFS). December 12-15, 2017. Pattaya, Thailand.
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