


張家銘 教授














國立中興大學土壤環境科學系教授 (2008.8 - 至今)、國土資源保育學會理事長 (2010.3 - 2014.2) 、國立中興大學土壤與地下水汙染整治研究中心主任 (2009.8 - 2014.7)、國立中興大學土壤環境科學系副教授 (2004.2 - 2008.7)、中華土壤肥料學會土壤與環境副總編輯 (2002.6 - 2003.12) 、國立中興大學土壤環境科學系助理教授 (2000.8 - 2004.1) 、國立台灣大學農業化學研究所博士後研究員 (1999.8 - 2000.8) 、中國農業化學會中國農業化學會誌編輯幹事 (1991.9 - 1997.6)




49. Chia M. Chang, Tien C. Liu, Fang W. Wu, Chiung W. Chang, Yu K. Lin, Sheng H. Chiu, Yun H. Hsieh, Chenfang Lin and Ming K.Wang. 2014. Chemometric characterization of noninteractive mixture toxicity of organic compounds using a quantum four-element model. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (submitted)
48. Chia M. Chang, Yun H. Hsieh, Chien H. Shen, Pei Y. Lin, Chenfang Lin and Ming K. Wang. 2014. A quantum mechanical linear free energy relationship study of the lipophilicity of platinum anticancer complexes. J. Mol. Model. (accepted)
47. Chia M. Chang, Tai H. Lin, Ying S. Chen, Chiung W. Chang, Kun L. Huang, Fang W. Wu, Wei J. Hsu, Ming P. Yu, Chenfang Lin and Ming K. Wang. 2014. A quantum chemical approach using classical concepts to characterization and descriptive analysis of various reactions of metal ions and organic compounds. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (accepted)
46. Chia M. Chang and Abraham F. Jalbout. 2013. Theoretical design of free radical "sponges" in DNA. J. Comp. Theore. Nanosci. 10:591-593.
45. Chia M. Chang, Hsiao L. Tseng, Aned de Leon, Alvaro Posada-Amarillas and Abraham F. Jalbout. 2013. Theoretical study of amino acids encapsulation in zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes. J. Comp. Theore. Nanosci. 10:521-526.
44. Chia M. Chang, Hsiao L. Tseng, Abraham F. Jalbout and Aned de Leon. 2013. DFT study on the biomolecular storage capacity of armchair singled-walled carbon nanotubes. J. Comp. Theore. Nanosci. 10:527-533.
43. Chia M. Chang, Aned de Leon, Alvaro Posada-Amarillas and Abraham F. Jalbout. 2012. Theoretical insights on the storage of carbon dioxide using single-walled carbon nanotubes. Comp. Mater. Sci. 63:191-196
42. Chia M. Chang and Abraham F. Jalbout. 2010. Metal induced amino acid adsorption on nanotubes. Thin Solid Films 518:2070-2076.
41. Chia M. Chang, Abraham F. Jalbout, and F. F. Contreras-Torres. 2009. Communication on the stability of crystalline silver halide inside nanostructures. J. Comp. Theore. Nanosci. 6(7):1714-1716.
40. Chia M. Chang and Abraham F. Jalbout. 2009. Computational notes on the thermostatistics of the most stable ionic Au32 isomers. J. Comp. Theore. Nanosci. 6:1491-1493.
39. Chia M. Chang and Abraham F. Jalbout. 2009. Adsorption of polar molecules on Rb/Sr@C60. A theoretical analysis. J. Comp. Theore. Nanosci. 6:1487-1490.
38. Chia M. Chang. 2008. DFT-based linear solvation energy relationships for the infrared spectral shifts of acetone in polar and nonpolar organic solvents. J. Phys. Chem. A 112:2482-2488.
37. Ming-Kuang Wang, Wei-Min Wang, Po-Neng Chiang, Yue Ming Chen, and Chia M. Chang. 2007. Clay mineralogy and major element chemistry of the early quaternary and late miocene paleosols on penghu islands (PESCADORES), Taiwan. Soil Science Vol. 172(6): 486-498.
36. Chia M. Chang and Min C. Huang. 2006. Removal of chlorophenol contaminants by sorption to magnetically-separable mesoporous materials. Proceedings of the 3 rd conference on environmental protection and nanotechnology. p.234-240
35. W. H. Kuan, Ming K. Wang, P. M. Huang, C. W. Wu, Chia M. Chang and S. L. Wang. 2005. Effect of citric acid on aluminum hydrolytic speciation. Water Research 39:3457-3466.
34. Chia M. Chang, Ya J. Wang, C. Lin and Ming K. Wang. 2004. Novel predicting methods for the removal of divalent metal ions by magnetite/amorphous iron oxide composite systems. Colloids and Surface A 234:1-7.
33. Abaraham F. Jalbout and Chia M. Chang. 2004. A simple rule for determining ferromagnetism based on direct exchange energies. J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 278:342-347.
32. Abaraham F. Jalbout, Chia M. Chang and M. Solimannejad. 2004. Analytical potential energy function and vibrational spectra of OPSCN: density functional theory calculations. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 676:119-125.
31. Abaraham F. Jalbout, Chia M. Chang, A. Galano and M. Solimannejad. 2004. Rate coefficient and mechanism of the gas phase OPSCN -> OPNCS isomerization: a density functional theory study. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 676:127-132.
30. D. S. Yang, Ming K. Wang, Chia M. Chang, H. S. Sheu and B. J. Huang. 2003. Synthesis of lithiophorite in high alkaline conditions. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 50:985-990.
29. Chia M. Chang, Abaraham F. Jalbout and C. Lin. 2003. Novel descriptors based on density functional theory for predicting divalent metal ions adsorbed onto silica --- disiloxane cluster model study. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 664-665:27-35.
28 . Chia M. Chang, Abaraham F. Jalbout, Ming K. Wang and C. Lin. 2003. A unified model for predicting the mononuclear first- to fifth-order and the polynuclear hydrolysis constants of metal cations. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 664-665:21-26.
27. Chia M. Chang. 2003. Unified linear predicting models for the essential reactions of metal ions in aquatic and surface systems. J. Phys. Chem. B 107:5190-5193.
26. Chia M. Chang. 2003. Linear atomization energy relationships for seven aqueous reactions of metal cations. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 623:127-134.
25. Chia M. Chang. 2003. Frontier-molecular-orbital correlations for the acidity constants in aqueous metal ions. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 622:249-255.
24. Abaraham F. Jalbout and Chia M. Chang. 2003. The H2CO potential energy surface: advanced ab initio and density functional theory study. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 634:127-135.
23. Min C. Huang, Chia M. Chang, C. Lin, Ming K. Wang and Tien C. Liu. 2003. The establishment of electromagnetic physics auxiliary indices (II): Influence of magnetic properties measuring temperature on the suitability of auxiliary indices for assessing the retention capacity of zinc and lead in alluvial soils. Soil and Environment 6:17-28.
22. Ya Z. Yang, Chia M. Chang, C. Lin, Ming K. Wang and Tien C. Liu. 2003. The establishment of electromagnetic physics auxiliary indices (I): The rapid assessment of the retention capacity of heavy metal cadmium in soils. Soil and Environment 5:131-142.
21. Wuchou Yu, C. Lin and Chia M. Chang. 2003. Assessment on the transport and Groundwater contamination of organic leachate in a garbage dumping area. Soil and Environment 6:183-192.
20. C. Lin, Hsin-hua Lin, Wen-shan Lin and Chia M. Chang. 2003. A review on principles and practices of cropping suitability evaluation in Taiwan. Soil and Environment 6:105-120.
19. R. Y. Yan and Chia M. Chang. 2002. Study of the hydrology of wetland soils and its applications to agricultural science. Scientific Agriculture 50 311-325.
18. I. L. Liu, C. Lin, K. J. Tseng and Chia M. Chang. 2002. The comparison of two quick tests for fertilizer recommendation and lime requirement. Soil and Environment 5:309-321.
17. C. Lin, Tsang-Sen Liu, Chiling Chen, Tai-Lee Hu and Chia M. Chang. 2001. Experiments on a dynamic model for the transformation of crop residue in soil. Food Sci. Agri. Chem. 3:97-101.
16. Chia M. Chang, Ming K. Wang, Ta W. Chang and C. Lin. 2001. Transport modeling of copper and cadmium with linear and nonlinear retardation factors. Chemosphere 43:1133-1139.
15. Wen-Hui Kuan, Shang-Lien Lo, Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 2000. A geometric approach to determine adsorption and desorption kinetic constants. Chemosphere 41:1741-1747.
14. Ming K. Wang, Chia M. Chang, Y. W. Cheng, K. H. Houng and H. C. Chiang. 1999. Comparison of synthetic and soil Al-substituted lepidocrocite. Soil Sci. 164(5):311-321.
13. Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 1998. Linear relationship for acidity and stability in hexaaqua metal ions --- density functional studies. Chem. Phys. Lett. 286:46-50.
12. Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 1998. Correlation for hydration and deprotonation in hexaaqua metal complexes. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 434:163-167.
11. Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 1997. Global relationship between the acidity constants and structural stability in hexaaqua metal complexes. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 417:239-242.
10. Chia M. Chang, Shan-Li Wang and Ming. K. Wang. 1997. A local density functional study on the deprotonation of hexaaqua aluminum complex. Sciences of Soils Vol.2.
9. Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 1995. Iron oxides distributed in red and forest soils of Taiwan. Acta Pedologica Sinica 32:14-22.
8. Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 1995. Development and application of soil magnetism. Soil and Fertilizer Letters. 49:1-8.
7. Chia M. Chang, Ming K. Wang, Yun-Chung Pan, P. K. Tseng and P. Y. Chen. 1993. Refinement of nontronite, celadonite and sepiolite Mossbauer spectra at 77 K temperature. J. Geol. Soc. China. 36:189-202.
6. Hsien-Chueh Chiang, Chia M. Chang, Fu-Wen Horng and Ming K. Wang. 1993. Iron oxides in reddish brown forest soils of Lien-Hua-Chi. J. Chin. Agri. Chem. Soc. 31:793-802.
5. Chia M. Chang, P. K. Tseng and Ming K. Wang. 1992. The role of phosphorus on the formation of hematite. J. Chin. Agri. Chem. Soc. 30:494-506.
4. Chia M. Chang, Ming K. Wang, P. K. Tseng and K. H. Houng. 1992. Applications of Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy to soil science. Soil and Fertilizer Letters. 34:1-12.
3. Chia M. Chang, Ming K. Wang, K. H. Houng and P. K. Tseng. 1992. Fundamentals of Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy and its applications to soil science. Scientific Agriculture. 40:211-218.
2. Fei W. Chuang, Chia M. Chang, C. M. Lai and Ming K. Wang. 1990. Phosphate sorption by kaolinite and gibbsite. J. Chin. Agri. Chem. Soc. 30:119-128.
1. Chia M. Chang and Ming K. Wang. 1990. Influence of acetate, oxalate and citrate anions on crystallization of iron oxides. J. Chin. Agri. Chem. Soc. 28:356-363.



1. 新興材料在永續環境上之應用 (離子液體、金屬有機框架多孔材料、石墨烯類材料...等) (Emerging materials for sustainable environment application (ionic liquids, metal-organic frameworks, graphene materials, etc.))
2. 混合農藥與混合化感物質對生態毒性之影響(Ecotoxicological impact of fungicide mixtures and alleochemical mixtures)
3. 腐植質超分子結合結構之光譜鑑定與分子模擬 (Spectroscopic characterization and molecular modeling of the supramolecular structure of humic substances)
4. 土壤礦物表面的腐植質形成機制與生命起源之關聯性研究 (Relational studies of the formation of humic substances onto soil mineral surfaces and the origin of life)

研究計畫 :

‧安全劑型依普同殺菌劑之開發與混合毒性研究 (2012.1.1 - 2012.12.31) [農委會]
‧安全控釋劑型依普同、撲滅寧、三泰芬混合殺菌劑之開發與研究 (2011.1.1 - 2011.12.31) [農委會]
‧有機磷劑與氨基甲酸鹽類農藥之混合毒性研究 (2010.1.1 - 2010.12.31) [農委會]
‧新型磁性可分離有機奈米複合材料之研製及其移除污染物之分子機制研究(1/2, 2/2) (2009.8.1 - 2011.7.31) [國科會]
‧有機磷劑、氨基甲酸鹽類及合成除蟲菊類農藥混合毒性及其風險評估研究 (2009.1.1 - 2009.12.31) [農委會]
‧有機磷劑農藥混合毒性及其風險評估研究 (2008.1.1 - 2008.12.31) [農委會]
‧複合安全控釋劑型達有龍除草劑與加保扶殺蟲劑之開發與研究 (2007.1.1 - 2007.12.31) [農委會]
‧磁性吸附性觸媒奈米複合材料之合成、環境應用及其污染物移除機制之理論化學研究(1/3, 2/3, 3/3) (2006.8.1 - 2009.7.31) [國科會]
‧安全控釋劑型達有龍除草劑與加保扶殺蟲劑之開發與研究 (2006.1.1 - 2006.12.31) [農委會]
‧灌排渠道水質監測調查及技術輔導計畫 (2005.1.1 - 2005.12.31) [農委會]
‧畢克草等八種農藥環境影響評估之研究 (2004.7.1 - 2004.12.31) [農委會]
‧天然與合成磁性可分離質材的吸附與催化特性及其在土壤與地下水污染整治復育上之應用(1/3, 2/3, 3/3) (2003.8.1 - 2006.7.31) [國科會]
‧電磁物理輔助指標之建立 --- 應用於台灣中部沖積土與紅壤土系農田土壤中鉛、鎘、銅、鋅、鎳重金屬污染之現址快速偵測 (2003.1.1 - 2003.12.31) [農委會]
‧濱海溼地土壤中重金屬滯留容量之快速評估---土壤電磁物理探勘技術之應用(一) (2002.8.1 - 2003.7.31) [國科會]
‧農田土壤鉛、鎘、銅、鋅重金屬污染累積潛勢之電磁物理輔助指標之建立 (2002.1.1 - 2002.12.31) [農委會]
‧紅壤中重金屬之分子擴散 (2001.8.1 - 2002.7.31) [國科會]
‧農田土壤管理改進研究 - 永續土壤水分管理系統之建立 (2001.1.1 - 2001.12.31) [農委會]