


Chen, Jen-Hshuan Professor Emeritus


Applied Soil Fertility Laboratory


886-4-22840373 ext.3302




‧ Ph.D. Purdue university (1986-1989), Soil Chemistry and Soil Fertility
‧ M.S. Graduate Institute of Soil Science, Chung Hsing University (1977-1979), Soil Biochemistry
‧ B.Sc. Department of Soil Science, National Chung Hsing University (1971-1975), Soil Chemistry


Soil fertility, Soil chemistry, Plant nutrition

Research Areas

‧ Soil Testing and Plant Analysis
‧ Best Management Practice of fertilization
‧ Soil fertility and fertilizer
‧ Soil Management
‧ Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming
‧ Remediation of problem soils
‧ Quality and Application of Organic Fertilizers

Research Program

‧ Soil Fertility
‧ Fertilizer
‧ Soil Management
‧ Soil Chemistry


‧ 1992 Outstanding Teacher Award: Ministry of Education of ROC
‧ 1994 Research honor Award: Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizers Sciences
‧ 1995 Research honor Award: Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizers Sciences
‧ 1999 Outstanding Agricultural Research Award: Agricultural Association of China
‧ 2001 Research honor Award: Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizers Sciences

Current Research Topics

‧ The study and applicaton of the technique for balanced fertilization and microbiology. (94.1.1~95.12.31, Council of Agriculture )
‧ Safety evaluation of the sludges of food processing, wine production and paper mill for agricultural use. (94.1.1~94.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ The development of application technique of organic fertilizers for reducing the impact on environmental quality. (94.1.1~94.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ The development of the information system for ameliorating the strongly acidic soils in Taiwan . (94.1.1~95.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ Strengthen the fertilizer management. (94.1.1~95.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ Soil fertility restoration on the remediation sites of heavy metals polluted farmlands in 12 counties. (93.10.1~94.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ The availabilities and accumulation of phosphorus and potassium in soil affected by the long-term application of different organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizer (94.8.1~95.7.31, National Science Council)
‧ Investigation of quality and safety of vegetables in organic farming system (95.1.1 ~98.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ Strategies of the quality improvement and the best management practice establishment of composted food waste ( 95.1.1 ~98.12.31, Council of Agriculture)
‧ Technological developments and application of fast, environmental protective and multifunctional processing for pig waste resource (94, 8.1 ~97,12.31, National Science Council)


.Wang T.S.C., Jen-Hshuan Chen, and W.M.Hsiang. 1985. Catalytic synthesis of humic acids containing various amino acids and dipeptides. Soil Sci., 140: 3-10 (SCI).

.Chen Jen-Hshuan, and S.A.Barber. 1990. Effect of liming and adding phosphate on predicted phosphorus uptake by maize on acidic soils of three soil orders. Soil Sci., 150: 844-850 (SCI).

.Barber S.A., and Jen-Hshuan Chen. 1990. Using a mechanistic model to evaluate the effect of soil pH on phosphorus uptake. Plant and Soil. 124: 183-186. (SCI)

.Chen Jen-Hshuan Chen, and S.A. Barber. 1990. Soil pH and phosphorus and potassium uptake by maize evaluated with an uptake model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 54: 1032-1036. (SCI)

.Chen Jen-Hshuan, and S. A. Barber. 1991. Aging effect of lime and phosphate addition on phosphorus availability in acid soil. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 22:419-430. (SCI)

.Jen-Hshuan Chen .2004. Effects of composts on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in strongly acidic soil. Soil and Environment. 7: 115-122.

.Chien-Ming Hung and Jen-Hshuan Chen. 2005. The effect of acidic amendments on the behaviors of K in calcareous soils. Taiwanese Journal of agricultural Chemistry and Food sciences. (Accepted)

.Shia- Li Wang, Lian-Ching Hsu, Rung-Rung Chang, Po-Neng Chiang, Jen-Hshuan Chen, Yu-Min Tzou. 2006. Adsorption and thermal desorption of Cr(VI) on Li/Al layered double hydroxide. Collids and surface A: physiochemical and Eng. Aspects, 277: 8-14. (SCI)

.** Additional 34 research papers were published in Chinese.