


Chuang, Ya-Hui Associate Professor


Plant and Environmental Chemistry Laboratory


+886-4-22840373 ext. 4102


yhchuang.68@dragon.nchu.edu.tw Website


Transport of Soil Contaminant


Ph.D. Michigan State University, Crop and Soil Sciences-Environmental Toxicology
M.S. National Taiwan University, Agricultural Chemistry
B.S. National Chung Hsing University, Soil and Environmental Sciences


Plant physiology
Environmental toxicology
Environmental Chemistry
Mass spectrometry techniques


Assistant Professor, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Feb 2019 to Present
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, Apr 2018 to Jan 2019
Research Assistant, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States, May 2013 to Mar 2018
Assistant Research Fellow, Tungding Substation, Tea Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Nantou, Taiwan, Dec 2008 to Dec 2012

Current Research Topics

Uptake and accumulation of chemicals of emerging concern in plants
Transformation pathways of pharmaceuticals in plants
Pharmaceutical residue analysis in soil, water and plants
Pharmaceutical metabolite identification in complex matrices using liquid using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

Future Work

My current research focuses on the study of the fate and transport of chemicals of emerging concern, specifically pharmaceuticals, in the agroecosystem. Our research group will be working on (1) developing analytical methods for pharmaceutical residues in environmental samples, (2)
understanding the mechanism of plant uptake of pharmaceuticals, (3) establishing identification methods of pharmaceutical metabolites in plants using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and (4) understandingthe transformation pathways of pharmaceuticals during plant uptake. The overarching goal of the lab’s research is to provide the needed knowledge to better assess the potential risks to food safety and human health.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 201X. Influence of Transpiration Stream on Uptake and Translocation of Pharmaceuticals in Lettuce. (In preparation)

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, J.B. Sallach, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2019. Mechanistic study on uptake and transport of pharmaceuticals in lettuce from water. Environment International, 131, 104976

.Liu, C.H., Y.H. Chuang, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, B.J. Teppen, J.M. Gonzalez, C.T. Johnston, J. Lehmann, W. Zhang. 2019. Long-term sorption of lincomycin to biochars: The intertwined roles of pore diffusion and dissolved organic carbon. Water Research, 161, 108-118.

.Xu, M., R.D. Stedtfeld, F. Wang, S.A. Hashsham, Y. Song, Y.H. Chuang, J. Fan, H. Li, X. Jiang, J.M. Tiedje. Composting increased persistence of manure-borne antibiotic resistance genes in soils with different fertilization history. 2019. Science of The Total Environment, 689, 1172-1180.

.Li, Y., Y.H. Chuang., J.B. Sallach, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, H. Li. 2018. Potential metabolism of pharmaceuticals in radish: Comparison of in vivo and in vitro exposure.
Environmental Pollution, 242, 962-969.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, H. Li. 2018. Metabolic Demethylation and Oxidation of Caffeine during Uptake by Lettuce. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 66 (30), 7907-7915.

.Bhalsod, G.D., Y.H. Chuang, S. Jeon, W. Gui, H. Li, E.T. Ryser, A.K. Guber, and W. Zhang. 2018. Uptake and accumulation of pharmaceuticals in overhead- and surface-irrigated greenhouse lettuce. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66: 822-830.

.Liu, C.H., Y.H. Chuang, H. Li, B.J. Teppen, S.A. Boyd, J.M. Gonzalez, C.T. Johnston, J. Lehmann, and W. Zhang. 2016. Sorption of lincomycin by manure-derived biochars from water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45(2):519-27.

.Chuang, Y.H., Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2015. Comparison of accelerated solvent extraction and quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe method for extraction and determination of pharmaceuticals in vegetables. Journal of Chromatography A, 1404: 1-9.

.Liu, C.H., Y.H. Chuang, T.Y. Chen, Y. Tian, H. Li, M.K. Wang, and W. Zhang. Mechanism of arsenic adsorption on magnetite nanoparticles from water: thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies. 2015. Environmental science & technology, 49 (13), 7726-7734.

.Chuang, Y. H., C. H. Liu, Y. M. Tzou, J.S. Chang, P.N. Chiang and M. K. Wang. 2010. Comparison and characterization of chemical surfactants and bio-surfactants intercalated with layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for removing naphthalene from contaminated aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 366: 170-177.

.Wang, S. L., C. H. Liu, M. K. Wang, Y. H. Chuang, and P. N. Chiang. 2009. Arsenate adsorption by Mg/Al–NO3 layered double hydroxides with varying the Mg/Al ratio. Applied Clay Science, 43:79-85.

.Chuang, Y. H., Y. M. Tzou, M. K. Wang, C. H. Liu, and P. N. Chiang. 2008. Removal of 2-chlorophenol from aqueous solution by Mg/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) and modified LDH. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47:3813-3819.

Invited Speaker, 2017 Research Evening of The Institute for Integrative Toxicology and the Training Program in Environmental and Integrative Toxicological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States.
Oral presentations (presented only)
.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, J.B. Sallach, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2017. Uptake, accumulation and metabolization of caffeine in lettuce. 13th Annual LC-MS/MS Workshop on Environmental and Food Safety, Buffalo, NY, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2016. Accumulation and metabolization of caffeine in lettuce. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., Y. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2014. Evaluation of QuEChERS method for simultaneous determination of multi-pharmaceutical residues in plants. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Long Beach, CA, United States.

Poster presentations
.Rhodes, G., Y.H. Chuang, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2019. Uptake of cephalexin from water to three vegetables. SSSA International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, J.B. Sallach, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2017. Uptake and metabolization of caffeine in lettuce. 4th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, East Lansing, MI, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2017. Influence of transpiration stream on lettuce uptake of pharmaceuticals. 2017 AEESP Research and Education Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2015. Uptake and accumulation of pharmaceuticals in vegetables. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2015. Uptake and accumulation of pharmaceuticals in lettuce. Fate of the Earth Symposium 2015, East Lansing, MI, United States.

.Liu, C.H., Y.H. Chuang, H. Li, B.J. Teppen, S.A. Boyd, and W. Zhang. 2015. Long-term sorption kinetics of lincomycin by biochars from water. Fate of the Earth Symposium 2015, East Lansing, MI, United States.

.Liu, C.H., Y.H. Chuang, H. Li, B.J. Teppen, S.A. Boyd, and W. Zhang. 2014. Sorption of Lincomycin Antibiotics by Manure-derived Biochars. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Long Beach, CA, United States.

.Liu, C.H., Y.H. Chuang, W. Zhang, and M.K. Wang. 2012. Arsenate Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions on Magnetite Nanoparticles. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH, United States.

.Chuang, Y.H., C.H. Liu, Y.M. Tzou, J.S. Chang, P.N. Chiang, and M.K. Wang. 2011. Removal of naphthalene from aqueous solution by chemical surfactant and bio-surfactant intercalated with layered double hydroxides (LDHs). The 1st International Symposium on Colloids and Materials, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

.Chuang, Y.H., Y.M. Tzou, J.S. Chang, P.N. Chiang, C.H. Liu, and M. K. Wang. 2008. Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from aqueous solution by bio- and chemical surfactant modified layered double hydroxides (LDH). Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences, Taichung, Taiwan.